Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chapters 6 and 7: The Cell (and the Phospholipid Bilayer Membrane)

Hola Everyone. I've got some some cool stuff to share today.

The reason I put these two chapters together mainly has to do with vocab. AP Bio is HUGELY vocab oriented. My mom always jokes that it should be worth a foreign language credit. :)  It's a lingo that needs to be mastered for the concepts to fully be absorbed. And the lingo used to describe organelles (chapter 6) is used a lot when describing the phospholipid membrane (chapter 7), therefore I've put the resources for both chapters in this post.

Again, let me just remind everyone, this blog isn't so much reflection, or me teaching necessarily, it's just resources I found useful/ that I think you'll find useful. And I also might clarify some things, especially if I struggled to understand it. Oh, and there's always going to be a comic at the end. But anywho...

Back to cells. I'll start with some good video links, and maybe some flashcards. Like I said, before you get into the nitty gritty stuff- you need to know the terms!

Cool Cell Animation:

It's not necessarily educational, but if you're like me, and you've already taken Bio, then you'll recognize a bunch of different organelles- and it's really quite exciting.


Another fantastic animation- sort of intense music, but it's good. As you watch, really pick out organelles and try and recall their function. The video isn't much good unless you add to it with your own knowledge.


Here are a few very basic flashcards for Organelle practice...


Something I didn't understand at first was Co-transport. The way the book describes it is like water pumped uphill, that performs "work" as it flows back down. Which I get, but translating that to hydrogen ions and glucose can be a bit confusing. As soon as I find a good resource for this concept, I'll put it up here.

And, last but not least, here's a bit of a biology related laugh...

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