Hello Everybody! If you're reading this, you're probably interested in Biology. Maybe you're a student, maybe a teacher, maybe just someone I know checking out my blog. :) Either way, I want to take a second to explain what this blog is going to be about...
The real purpose of this blog is to set up a "skeleton" for other future IHS students interested in taking AP Biology. I want to create a miss-mash dump pile of cool Biology stuff, BUT- it will have structure. Let me elaborate...
The plan here is to read my AP Bio textbook (Campbell Biology 8th Edition), and create a blog post for each chapter (with random posts as necessary). In essence, I'll have a post for each category, so that students (or just readers in general) can read posts specific to different topics.
My posts, like I said, will be kind of a miss-mash of awesome bio stuff. I'm talking college lectures, khan videos, diagrams, animations, articles, application, books, news stories, pictures, etc. I might describe the material a bit, but for the most part I want this to be like a tool box for future AP Bio students.
The Class:
(This paragraph is mostly explaining what I'll be doing other than the blog). I'm going to be reading at least two books relevant to my topic... The Emperor of all Maladies (oncology study) and Flu (history of influenza). Both should be pretty interesting.
Since I'm planning on being a doctor one day I want this blog to absolutely drip with medical application.
I'm also rolling the idea of Lab work around in my head, and possibly an end of semester presentation to an Advanced Bio class on something interesting. We'll see.
A bit about me:
I like to laugh. And have fun. So this blog is not going to be boring by any means. I'll probably going to post daily/weekly comics and/or jokes pertaining to bio.
Cheesy... I know. But a bit of cheese is ok sometimes. :)
So, to sum things up....
1. I REALLY love biology, and this class is a way for me to dive into this subject wholeheartedly :)
2. I want to leave a "legacy" for students who come after me. I want this to be a place where people can come for not only a Bio lesson, but a good read.
3. This is going to have LOTS of medical application (hopefully), so prepare yourself ^.^
4. I have a sense of humor, so hopefully it's a lot of fun as well.
5. I will try and post every week (with random cool stuff thrown in as needed).
There ya go. Indie Bio in a nutshell.
Stay tuned!